
White Christmas for Steamboat Springs

Did you know Santa Clause has a cousin named Powder?

Friday looks to be the perfect opportunity to call in the popular "Powder Clause" with your employer.

The Powder Clause is actually an employee benefit extended by varous employers around Ski Town USA, which gives local powderhounds the option to ski a few runs on a powder day before coming in to work...without disciplinary actions for their tardiness.

The National Weather Service is forcasting up to 2 Feet of new snow for Steamboat Springs, Colorado. Snow started falling on Tuesday night, and could extend through Saturday. It has been dumping snow all morning in Steamboat, and looking at the weather radar, the real storm is still working its way towards Colorado.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...


catchin some air


Dude we might win the figure eight comp this year if we practice enough!!

Cheers and Merry X-Mas. We loved the wiper blade tips!!