
Steamboat's Real Estate Market is HOT

The Steamboat Springs Real Estate Market is currently one of the hottest resort markets in North America.

In 2006, the Steamboat Real Estate market hit $1 Billion in total transactions for the first time ever.

In 2007, the Steamboat Real Estate market passed $1 Billion in transactions in July. By November 2007, total transactions had exceeded $1.3 Billion for the year.

A few other highlights...

2007 YTD Sales Dollar Volume in Steamboat is up 40% - 50% over 2006 YTD.

2007 YTD Average Sales Prices in Steamboat are up 30% - 40% over 2006 YTD.

2007 YTD Number of Transactions in Steamboat is slightly up, when compared to 2006 YTD.

November 2007 transactions and total dollar volume is slightly down over November 2006, but Average Sales Prices are still up 15% - 20% for the month.

Although our market has seen consistent growth in property values for more than 10 years (with tremendous growth in the past 24 months), Steamboat Springs average sales prices for condominiums and single family homes remain more affordable than most other Rocky Mountain Resort towns.

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