
Planning Ahead in Steamboat Springs

Living in Steamboat Springs means you will be scraping your windshield for several months each year.

This truth is right up there with death & taxes, and the task is essential for proper visibility and safety when operating your vehicle throughout the winter season.

If you park your vehicle outdoors for an extended period of time, and weather conditions indicate your windshield might be covered when you return, there is something you can do to simplify the task.

This easy step results in clean blades and a clear surface for a few rigorous scrape.

It also acts as a theft deterrent, giving your vehicle a menacing look of intimidation in the parking lot.

The other key to winter windshield efficiency in Steamboat is the quality and size of your ice scraper. Don't cut corners here. Get one that's at least 3 - 4 feet in size, and requires two hands to operate.

This oversized ice scraper provides leverage and versatility, and with practice, can also gracefully flip the wipers into their upright position without laying a finger on a dirty vehicle.

And don't forget to stash some gloves permanently in your vehicle with your ice scraper. These will come in handy from time to time.

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